Travel - the free prepaid credit card for travel

The Swiss Bankers Travel card is the secure prepaid card for use while travelling. You receive the card immediately, can add money to your balance as required and can pay worldwide – without an annual fee and with complete control in terms of spending limits.

Order Travel

The Travel Prepaid Card in CHF, EUR and USD is also available at over 200 outlets.

How you benefit from Travel, the new Travel Cash card.

With no annual fee.

Travel with ease and risk-free with the prepaid Travel card with no annual fee and with a free replacement card if the card should ever go missing.

Pay worldwide.

The card is accepted in more than 70 million shops and hotels throughout the world as well as for online payment. You can withdraw money at cash machines in Switzerland and abroad. If you have any questions, our free client service will be happy to assist you.  

Available immediately.

The Travel card is available quickly and without a credit check in our online shop, at various outlets and at nearly all banks as well as branches of SBB – to all persons aged 16 and over and, with parental authorisation, also to persons aged 12 to 15. You choose whether the card is denominated in CHF, EUR or USD.

Easy to top up.

You can add money to your card in amounts up to CHF/EUR/USD 10’000 at outlets, using the Swiss Bankers app, or using e-banking.

Up to 10% cashback at

Save up to 10% on on over 28 million accommodation listings worldwide - plus discounted accommodation and the Genius loyalty program.

Swiss Bankers app.

The Swiss Bankers app includes practical features such as balance and spending overviews, adding money to the card balance, immediate card blocking in the event of loss, immediate digital card replacement in the app and more. Benefit from mobile payments. You pay conveniently with your smartphone or your smartwatch, for example via Apple Pay or Samsung Pay.

To the conditions

Country Information.

Useful information about your travel destination.

No results kw Kuwait bo Bolivia bg Bulgaria si Slovenia cf Central African Republic ru Russia al Albanie my Malaysia gb-nir Northern Ireland tt Trinidad and Tobago gb-sct Scotland jp Japan hu Hungary tw Taiwan pa Panama am Armenia me Montenegro sv El Salvador cy Cyprus xk Kosovo af Afghanistan ar Argentina so Somalia bw Botswana gr Greece fr France gp Guadeloupe tj Tajikistan mu Mauritius cm Cameroon kz Kazakhstan pf French Polynesia at Austria dj Djibouti mv Maldives mc Monaco td Chad tg Togo cd Congo Dem. Rep. dk Denmark tm Turkmenistan zw Zimbabwe dz Algeria mr Mauritania mz Mozambique bj Benin uz Uzbekistan ua Ukraine cg Congo (Brazzaville) lv Latvia co Colombia md Moldova ir Iran pk Pakistan il Israel sy Syria gb-eng England hr Croatia ae United Arab Emirates re Réunion se Sweden th Thailand sk Slovak Republic ck Cook Islands ml Mali lb Lebanon gh Ghana bm Bermuda cv Cape Verde ky Cayman Islands mm Myanmar rs Serbia cn China pe Peru ni Nicaragua cz Czech Republic cu Cuba tz Tanzania pt Portugal nz New Zealand mn Mongolia mw Malawi za South Africa nl Netherlands om Oman sa Saudi Arabia ao Angola sc Seychelles gn Guinea sg Singapore et Ethiopia km Comoros cr Costa Rica kh Cambodia ec Ecuador ro Romania ba Bosnia and Herzegovina az Azerbaijan ke Kenya kr South Korea cl Chile ca Canada zm Zambia ga Gabon bf Burkina Faso in India py Paraguay is Iceland it Italy sd Sudan hn Honduras ls Lesotho ee Estonia lu Luxembourg Lesser Antilles np Nepal gt Guatemala be Belgium qa Katar / Qatar gy Guyana ma Morocco mt Malta ci Ivory Coast bh Bahrain us USA gw Guinea-Bissau ug Uganda ve Venezuela pr Puerto Rico fj Fiji ph Philippines lr Liberia ht Haiti au Australia bb Barbados lt Lithuania jm Jamaica tn Tunesia lk Sri Lanka es Spain bd Bangladesh br Brazil gm Gambia na Namibia ie Ireland do Dominican Republic eg Egypt id Indonesia li Liechtenstein mq Martinique mk Macedonia gd Grenada mg Madagascar no Norway fi Finland hk Hong Kong kg Kyrgyzstan ge Georgia ng Nigeria ch Switzerland bz Belize la Laos mx Mexico nc New Caledonia sn Senegal sr Suriname by Belarus bs Bahamas ly Libya aw Aruba uy Uruguay de Germany tr Turkey vn Viet Nam ne Niger mo Macau jo Jordan ye Yemen pl Poland

Safe and secure worldwide – always.

In the event of loss or theft, the card and its credit balance will be replaced by courier service worldwide at no charge. Cards stored digitally in the Swiss Bankers app can be reactivated immediately.

More about security

Fees and card information.


Card fee



Annual fee: CHF 45

Monthly fee: CHF 2.90



Annual fee: CHF 45

Top-up fee

1.5%,  for cards obtained from Swiss Bankers
1.5%1, for cards obtained via outlets

Fast charging by credit card/debit card (approx. 15min): Additional costs of 1.5% (on charging amount with charging fee).
Charging with PostFinance card: Additional costs of CHF 6. 

Tip: When you top up your card via online banking, your credit is generally available in one working day. There are no further costs in addition to the top-up fee1.

1.5%,  for cards obtained from Swiss Bankers
1.5%1, for cards obtained via outlets

Fast charging by credit card/debit card (approx. 15min): Additional costs of 1.5% (on charging amount with charging fee).
Charging with PostFinance card: Additional costs of CHF 6. 

Tip: When you top up your card via online banking, your credit is generally available in one working day. There are no further costs in addition to the top-up fee1.

None,  for cards obtained from Swiss Bankers
None, for cards obtained via outlets

Fast charge by credit card/debit card (approx. 15min): 1.5%.
Charge with PostFinance card: CHF 6. 

Tip: It’s free to top up your card via online banking, and your credit is generally available in one working day1.


Fast charge by credit card/debit card (approx. 15min): 1.5%.
Charge with PostFinance card: CHF 6. 

Tip: It’s free to top up your card via online banking, and your credit is generally available in one working day.

1.5 %1

Fast charging by credit card/debit card (approx. 15min): Additional costs of 1.5% (on charging amount with charging fee).
Charging with PostFinance card: Additional costs of CHF 6. 

Tip: When you top up your card via online banking, your credit is generally available in one working day. There are no further costs in addition to the top-up fee.

Subject to conditions1


Fast charge by credit card/debit card (approx. 15min): 1.5%.
Charge with PostFinance card: CHF 6. 

Tip: Charge your card via e-banking (2-3 working days), so there are no additional costs.

Ways to top up your card

- Bank transfer/e-banking
- Credit card/debit card/PostFinance card
- Outlets

Tip: To find your personal payment details, open the Swiss Bankers app and select “Top-up.”

- Bank transfer/e-banking
- Credit card/debit card/PostFinance card
- Outlets

Tip: To find your personal payment details, open the Swiss Bankers app and select “Top-up.”

- Bank transfer/e-banking
- Credit card/debit card/PostFinance card
- Outlets

Tip: To find your personal payment details, open the Swiss Bankers app and select “Top-up.”

- Bank transfer/e-banking
- Credit card/debit card/PostFinance card
- Outlets

Tip: To find your personal payment details, open the Swiss Bankers app and select “Top-up.”

- Bank transfer/e-banking
- Credit card/debit card/PostFinance card
- Outlets

Tip: To find your personal payment details, open the Swiss Bankers app and select “Top-up.”

- Bank transfer/e-banking
- Credit card/debit card/PostFinance card
- Outlets

Tip: To find your personal payment details, open the Swiss Bankers app and select “Top-up.”

Charge per payment

CHF 1 / EUR 1 / USD 1

CHF 1 / EUR 1 / USD 1



CHF 1 / EUR 1 / USD 1



Processing fee foreign country








ATM withdrawal fee in Switzerland

2%, min. CHF/EUR/USD 2

2%, min. CHF/EUR/USD 2

2%, min. CHF 2

2%, min. CHF 2

2%, min. CHF 2

Subject to conditions

2%, min. CHF 2

ATM withdrawal fee abroad

2%, min. CHF/EUR/USD 7.50

2%, min. CHF/EUR/USD 7.50

2%, min. CHF 7.50

2%, min. CHF 7.50

2%, min. CHF 7.50

Subject to conditions

2%, min. CHF 7.50

Replacement card

Free replacement worldwide in case of loss or theft, usually within three working days, including the remaining card balance. Replacement of digital cards within one working day. 

Free replacement worldwide in case of loss or theft, usually within three working days, including the remaining card balance. Replacement of digital cards within one working day. 

Replacement in case of loss or theft, including the remaining card balance, for a fee of CHF 20.00 in Switzerland and CHF 50.00 abroad. Replacement of digital cards within one working day. 

Replacement of digital cards within one working day in case of loss or theft, including the remaining card balance, for a fee of CHF 20.00.

Free replacement worldwide in case of loss or theft, usually within three working days, including the remaining card balance. Replacement of digital cards within one working day. 

Subject to conditions

Replacement in case of loss or theft including remaining card value for a fee of CHF 20.00 in Germany and CHF 50.00 outside Germany. Replacement of digital cards within one working day. 

Card top-up

Min. CHF 100 / EUR 100 / USD 100
Max. CHF 10 000 / EUR 10 000 / USD 10 000

Min. CHF 100 / EUR 100 / USD 100
Max. CHF 10 000 / EUR 10 000 / USD 10 000

Min. CHF 100
Max. CHF 10 000

Min. CHF 100
Max. CHF 10 000

Min. CHF 100 / EUR 100 / USD 100
Max. CHF 20 000 / EUR 20 000 / USD 20 000

Subject to conditions

Min. CHF 100
Max. CHF 10 000

Card currencies








Use options

- Payment terminals / machines
- Contactless payment
- Internet / online payments

- Payment terminals / machines
- Contactless payment
- Internet / online payments

- Payment terminals / machines
- Contactless payment
- Internet / online payments

- Payment terminals / machines
- Contactless payment
- Internet / online payments

- Payment terminals / machines
- Contactless payment
- Internet / online payments

- Payment terminals / machines
- Contactless payment
- Internet / online payments

- Payment terminals / machines
- Contactless payment
- Internet / online payments

Mobile payment

- Apple Pay
- Samsung Pay
- Google Pay
- Garmin Pay, Fitbit Pay, SwatchPAY!

- Apple Pay
- Samsung Pay
- Google Pay
- Garmin Pay, Fitbit Pay, SwatchPAY!

- Apple Pay
- Samsung Pay
- Google Pay
- Garmin Pay, Fitbit Pay, SwatchPAY!

- Apple Pay
- Samsung Pay
- Google Pay
- Garmin Pay, Fitbit Pay, SwatchPAY!

- Apple Pay
- Samsung Pay
- Google Pay
- Garmin Pay, Fitbit Pay, SwatchPAY!

- Apple Pay
- Samsung Pay
- Google Pay
- Garmin Pay, Fitbit Pay, SwatchPAY!



In CHF: To the online shop
In EUR / USD: To the outlets

In CHF: To the online shop
In EUR / USD: To the outlets

Selected private banks

Maximum number of cards per person

Three cards directly from Swiss Bankers
Five cards via our outlets

Three cards directly from Swiss Bankers
Five cards via our outlets

One card directly from Swiss Bankers
Five cards via our outlets

1 card

5 cards


One card directly from Swiss Bankers
Five cards via our outlets

Swiss Bankers App Features

– Top up your card
– Block your card
– Geo-blocking
– Spending overview
– Many other features

– Top up your card
– Block your card
– Geo-blocking
– Spending overview
– Many other features

– Top up your card
– Block your card
– Geo-blocking
– Spending overview
– Many other features

– Top up your card
– Block your card
– Geo-blocking
– Spending overview
– Many other features

– Top up your card
– Block your card
– Geo-blocking
– Spending overview
– Many other features

– Block your card
– Geo-blocking
– Spending overview
– Many other features

– Block your card
– Geo-blocking
– Spending overview
– Many other features

Top-up fee may vary depending on the distribution partner 

Top-up fee may vary depending on the distribution partner 

Display all

Up to 10% cashback on – plus discounted accommodation!

  • Save up to an additional 10% on 28 million accommodation listings worldwide with the Travel Card

  • Also applies to existing discounts such as: the Genius loyalty program

  • The Travel Card is free and has no annual fee

  • Book your next accommodation now with the Travel Card via the Swiss Bankers booking site

Important: The cashback* is only available via the Swiss Bankers booking site and provided you pay for the accommodation with the Travel Card. You also need an account with

Go to the Swiss Bankers booking page**

** Please note that is not subject to banking secrecy and customer data can be transferred outside Switzerland. The General Terms and Conditions apply on the website or app. Swiss Bankers Prepaid Services AG assumes no liability when using's offers.

Frequently asked questions.

Answers to general questions about PIN codes, security, mobile payment and services can be found under Frequently Asked Questions – general.

Where is the prepaid card Travel available?

Travel – the prepaid credit card for trips abroad – can be purchased in the online shop or from a number of banks and at SBB Change sales points. Please visit outlets for a current list of distributors. You can also order a card via the e-banking interface of many major banks.

How many cards can I have?

3 cards via the Swiss Bankers online shop or the app. Maximum 5 cards via outlets, but this number varies depending on the distribution partner.

In what currencies is Travel available?

The Travel card is available in euros, US dollars or Swiss francs.

Show more

Everything is even easier to do with the Swiss Bankers app.

The practical features of the Swiss Bankers app make using the Travel card even more convenient, with clear presentation of all options and relevant information.

Information about the Travel Prepaid Credit Card

Looking for a free prepaid credit card for travel?

You want to travel with a free credit card and stay in great hotels, from simple bed and breakfasts to five-star luxury hotels, at the best conditions? Then we have the solution for you: The Travel Card from Swiss Bankers offers everything at once. The Travel Card is free and at the same time you save up to 10% on at over 28 million accommodation listing worldwide - plus discounted accommodation! Whether for travel in Switzerland, go on city trips in Europe or visit the USA, the Travel card is the perfect travel companion and is available in CHF, EUR and USD.

How can I save money with Travel?

Cashback even on discounted offers!

Benefit from up to 10% cashback* on thanks to the Travel Card - even on existing discounts such as the Genius loyalty programme!

Click here for more information

The Travel Card is your exclusive door opener for this offer. Take the opportunity and book your accommodation today.

It's that simple

  • Top up your Travel Card with credit
  • Book accommodation on the Swiss Bankers booking page
  • Pay for your accommodation with your Travel Card
  • Receive cashback* after your stay in the wallet

Important: The cashback* is only available via the Swiss Bankers booking page and if you pay for your accommodation with your Travel Card. You also need an account with


Why is the Travel prepaid credit card ideal for travelers


  • Up to 50% discount in more than 600 hotels – from hostels to five-star hotels
  • Free replacement card worldwide (usually within three working days)
  • No annual fee
  • Available in CHF, EUR and USD without exchange fees
  • Over 70 million points of acceptance worldwide
  • Full cost control via the Swiss Bankers app
  • Mobile payment with Apple Pay, Google Pay, Samsung Pay and much more
  • No credit check
  • Available to anyone 16 years of age and older (12 years of age and older with the consent of a legal guardian)



Who is the free prepaid credit card suitable for?

If you’re looking for a secure payment card with no annual fee that keeps your spending under control, the Travel prepaid credit card is just the ticket. It is ideal for those who do not want to pay fixed fees and want to use the card worldwide when travelling.

In case of loss, the card is replaced worldwide free of charge, including credit, in one to two days by courier. Digitally, a replacement card can even be made available immediately on your smartphone.

Charges are only incurred when loading, topping up and inserting the card.  If you occasionally need a prepaid credit card, you are well served with Travel. With the free Swiss Bankers app, you benefit from additional advantages: You receive a notification in real time for every payment, keeping an eye on all your expenses and your budget under control. You can pay using your smartphone via mobile payment, change your PIN at any time and ensure maximum protection for your card with security settings, such as blocking countries.




What are the advantages of a card without an annual fee

If you are not sure when and how often you want to use the card, Travel is exactly the right card for you. With the Travel prepaid credit card, you have no fixed costs. You only incur fees when you use it. Even if you don’t know exactly if and when you will need a prepaid credit card, it makes sense to apply for the Travel free of charge online. If you need the card one day, you only have to load it and it will be ready for use immediately.

If you are not sure when and how often you want to use the card, Travel is exactly the right card for you. With the Travel prepaid credit card, you have no fixed costs. You only incur fees when you use it. Even if you don’t know exactly if and when you will need a prepaid credit card, it makes sense to apply for the Travel free of charge online. If you need the card one day, you only have to load it and it will be ready for use immediately.


Are there any transaction fees?

The Travel prepaid credit card is ideal for those who use their card only occasionally. The credit can be topped up as needed. A top-up fee of 1.5% of the added amount is usually charged for this (deviations are possible at some points of sale). If the card is no longer used, no further costs are incurred. Swiss Bankers only charges a fee of CHF 1 per transaction (or EUR 1 or USD 1 depending on the card currency) when you use the card.

Which currencies is the prepaid credit card available in?

You can order the card in CHF, EUR and USD. The loading fee is the same for all currencies.

Who can load and top up the card?

A deposit by bank transfer can be made without restriction either by you or by another person. Loading and topping up via credit card, debit card or PostFinance is only possible with a card issued in your name. Alternatively, you can have another Swiss Bankers cardholder send you money via Send – our innovative money transfer service – at any time.

How can I load and top up the card?

You can load and top up the Travel quickly and conveniently at the branches of the sales partner from whom you ordered or purchased the card. Many Swiss Bankers partner banks offer instant loading and top-up in e-banking. In addition, you can load and top up the Travel Card via the Swiss Bankers app or the customer portal by bank transfer or by credit card, debit card or PostFinance card. When loading or topping up by credit card or via PostFinance, the balance is available on the card within a few minutes. A deposit by bank transfer can usually be credited to your card on the same business day.

How much credit can I add to the card?

The minimum load or top-up amount is EUR/USD/CHF 100, the maximum load or top-up amount or card balance is EUR/USD/CHF 10,000.

How long does it take to load or top up the card ?

You can load and top up the card easily and quickly. By bank transfer, the new balance is usually available on the same business day. If you load or top up by credit card or PostFinance card, the amount will be credited to your card within a few minutes.

How are the high security standards guaranteed?

  • You can use the Swiss Bankers app to block or unblock the card for specific countries.
  • The PIN code can be changed at any time in the Swiss Bankers app.
  • In case of loss, simply and quickly block the card via Swiss Bankers app. We will send you a new Travel card with your existing balance worldwide free of charge by courier within a few days.
  • Monitoring of suspicious transactions around the clock by our security experts.
  • If fraud is suspected, Swiss Bankers notifies you immediately and blocks the card.

* Cashback is only available if it is displayed when selecting the accommodation. It will only be credited to the wallet after a stay and payment for the accommodation. Cashback is between 5% and 10%. The offer can be changed or cancelled by at any time within 5 days. Payment in cash and legal recourse are excluded.

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