The Travel is a Mastercard® prepaid credit card that can be quickly and easily loaded with credit via e-banking, credit card or PostFinance card.
Karte wird in 2-3 Werktagen per Post zugestellt.
Weltweit kostenlose Ersatzkarte bei Verlust
Versichertes Karten-Guthaben
Ohne Risiko wie mit einer echten Kreditkarte shoppen
Swiss hotline for free support.
No contract commitment and can be cancelled any time.
Hohes Guthaben-Limit von CHF 10'000
Keine Jahresgebühr und tiefe Ladekommission von nur 1.5%
Fair conditions Download the Swiss Bankers app
Save up to an additional 10% on 28 million accommodation listings worldwide with the Travel Card
Also applies to existing discounts such as: the Genius loyalty program
The Travel Card is free and has no annual fee
Book your next accommodation now with the Travel Card via the Swiss Bankers booking site
Important: The cashback* is only available via the Swiss Bankers booking site and provided you pay for the accommodation with the Travel Card. You also need an account with
Go to the Swiss Bankers booking page**
** Please note that is not subject to banking secrecy and customer data can be transferred outside Switzerland. The General Terms and Conditions apply on the website or app. Swiss Bankers Prepaid Services AG assumes no liability when using's offers.
Ihr Geld mit Mobile Payment immer sicher auf dem Handy dabei haben und von cleveren Vorteilen profitieren:
You can also change your PIN code at any time, and enjoy peace of mind when shopping online with Mastercard Identity Check. The app also supports mobile payments (Google, Apple, Samsung, Garmin and Swatch).
Swiss Bankers ist Marktführer von Mastercard Prepaid Kreditkarten in der Schweiz und bietet hohe Sicherheitsstandards und clevere Zahlungslösungen an.
Belastung der Karte nur wenn Guthaben aufgeladen wurde
Transaktionen innert 30 Tagen beanstanden
Neuste Sicherheitsstandards für optimalen Schutz beim Shoppen
Weltweiter Kartenersatz inkl. Guthaben
Swiss Bankers App
Customer portal
Bank transfer
Karte mit bis zu CHF 100'000 pro Jahr aufladen
In über 70 Millionen Geschäften und Online-Shops akzeptiert
Bargeldbezüge an Bankomaten im In- und Ausland
Processing fee foreign country
* Cashback is only available if it is displayed when selecting the accommodation. It will only be credited to the wallet after a stay and payment for the accommodation. Cashback is between 5% and 10%. The offer can be changed or cancelled by at any time within 5 days. Payment in cash and legal recourse are excluded.